Toy, Matilda


Toy, Matilda


Matilda Toy is an example of an itinerant boarding house operator, moving to different rented houses from year to year.

Biographical Text

Matilda Toy operated a boarding house during 1887 at 37 Cooper Street, where she lived with her husband, Jacob, an electrician. Their boarders included Bowman Shivers, sergeant-at-arms office (doorkeeper) for the United States Senate; John Willits, a laborer; Amos Homan, a cigar dealer; and Matilda's brother Harry Lounsberry, a tinsmith. Matilda Toy subsequently operated boarding houses at other addresses in the vicinity of the Camden waterfront. Following the death of Jacob Toy c. 1895, Matilda met her second husband, widowed railroad foreman William P. Lewis, when he lived as a boarder in her home at 422 Stevens Street. They married in 1904.

Time period on Cooper Street


Location(s) - Cooper Street

37 Cooper Street

Location(s) - Other

309 Market Street (operated boarding house, 1888)
403 Arch Street (operated boarding house, 1891)
422 Stevens Street (operated boarding house from at least 1895 until at least 1900)


Boarding house operator

Birth Date

January 1849


New Jersey

Death Date

March 8, 1911

Associated Individuals

Jacob Toy (first husband, d. by 1895)
Harry T. L. Toy (son), b. February 1872, a paper hanger in 1900
Vera H. Toy (daughter), b. November 1883
Bowman H. Shivers (boarder)
John Willits (boarder)
Amos Homan (boarder)
Harry Lounsberry (brother and boarder)
Charles B. Lounsberry (brother, Elizabeth NJ in 1912)
Alfretta Lounsberry (sister, in Camden in 1912)
Arilia L. Phillips (sister, in St. Paul in 1912)
William P. Lewis (second husband, married in 1904)


Camden City Directories (
New Jersey Marriage Index (
Obituary for Matilda Lounsberry, Monmouth Democrat, March 14, 1912 (
U.S. Census (

Research by

Charlene Mires

Posted by

Charlene Mires



“Toy, Matilda,” Learning From Cooper Street, accessed February 13, 2025,

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