Fourth Street (Lawrence to Pearl Street) Residents Database
Fourth Street (Lawrence to Pearl Street) Residents Database
Data about past residents of Fourth Street in Camden, NJ. Fourth Street between Lawrence and Pearl Streets is currently a walkway through the campus of Rutgers-Camden. Earlier, Fourth Street in these blocks developed as a residential street between 1876 and 1880 as the Cooper family sold land north of Cooper Street for residential development. Builders bought single or multiple lots, filled them with three-story row houses or twins, then sold or leased the residences. In the block between Penn and Linden Streets, a number of the homes on the west side of the street were converted in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century for various uses of the North Baptist Church, an important community institution around the corner on Linden Street. Construction of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, completed in 1926, and the subsequent High-Speed Line over the bridge led to demolition of the houses between Linden and Pearl Streets in the 1920s and early 1930s. Other homes on the street survived until the 1960s, when Rutgers University initiated an urban renewal project to enlarge its Camden campus.
Camden, NJ, City Directories; U.S. and New Jersey Census; property deeds; Camden newspapers.
Rutgers University-Camden
Compiled by Charlene Mires, Tia Antonelli, and Brian Phillips
Compiled from public sources.
Google Sheets Database: Link here to view.
“Fourth Street (Lawrence to Pearl Street) Residents Database,” Learning From Cooper Street, accessed September 16, 2024,